Tuesday, April 29, 2008

There's A Story Brewing

I was tortured most of today by this man in my head who wanted me to write a story about him. I was trying to send in professional writing samples to a few people who have inquired about my resume and wanted samples but the man made it nearly impossible. The image of him was so vivid and exact in my mind. He was begging me to write about him and I was begging him to give me a moment to finish what I was doing. He didn’t leave my thoughts but I somehow managed to finish one writing sample and send it in. Then I gave up and decided to send the other samples tomorrow. As soon as I was done, I had to sit down and bring the mystery man to life. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to finish his story because I had to do my part time job, but he’s still calling me, so I’m about to work on that in a minute after I make a short post to my news blog.

Oh and here’s a poem I wrote while at work today. Two days in a row of poetry, wow! I’m always writing something, even if I don’t share it, but I’ve been in the mood to share lately.

The First Snow

I’m jealous of a snowflake as it falls in your hand and elicits a smile
Your body is so warm; heated to protect you from the cold,
From me
I hold an umbrella over your head to prevent the flakes from falling on you
You stare at me as if I’ve taken something away
Then your body shivers from the bitter wind
Umbrellas don’t block out everything.

You reach for a flake
I stop you before you can touch that thing that makes you happy
That thing that’s not me
A light breeze passes between us taking the truth with it
I would say something but your face says it all
Yet another thing I’ve stolen.

You step back in the house more to retreat from me than the weather
I drop the umbrella and let the snow land on my head
You don’t want me around
We’ve fallen apart and reached this point,
The cold you can take
The snow you like
Me, well me you can do without.

Status: Obsessed with the man in my head.

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