Monday, March 5, 2012


I do my best to choose my words carefully, but today was a real challenge. I had to mentally regroup a few times just to keep from telling people off about their grotesque behaviors. I try not to make a big deal about things, but it seems like kindness and common sense have been traded in for rudeness and buffoonery. I treat everyone with respect, even people who I don’t really like, yet I find that few people return the favor. If I intentionally disrespect someone, I can guarantee that they had it coming. I don’t have any issues standing up for myself or the people I love. I understand the power of words and I usually try to use my words for good, but I’m getting tempted to show a few people what words can do. I’m going to have to stoop down to their level just to help them understand that my kindness is not a weakness, it’s a privilege and I can revoke it at any time.

Status: Glad today is almost over and thinking about going to bed early so that I can recharge.

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