Saturday, February 18, 2012

Goodbye Whitney Houston

Today, the world is saying goodbye to Whitney Houston. I’ve had a lot of people ask me if I cried when I found out that she was dead. I’m not that type of person. I don’t cry over dead celebrities. I’m not saying that to be mean. I loved Whitney through it all and I wanted her to make a full comeback. Her voice was beautiful and anyone who says otherwise is clearly suffering from hearing issues.

People keep saying that she shouldn’t have done that reality show with Bobby Brown because she was such a mess. I watched some of the episodes and I thought it pulled the curtains back on a side to Whitney that most people never expected. She wasn’t the woman I thought she should be. The reality show helped me understand why she was with Bobby Brown. Everything made sense when I saw that show. And the world should never forget Whitney saying “hell to the no.” That always made me smile.

My heart goes out to Whitney’s friends and family, but especially her daughter. The world loved Whitney the singer, but they loved Whitney the person.

Status: Singing “Million Dollar Bill” to myself.

1 comment:

Evan J. Xavier said...

The VOICE. Hate that I never got to see her in concert. Thank goodness for Youtube.