Tuesday, February 28, 2012

To Apologize or Not to Apologize

Obama shouldn’t have apologized about the burning of the Quran. He should have said it was an accident and continued to inflame the situation. At least that’s what some people think. I think that Obama was right to apologize. When you do something wrong, whether by accident or intentionally, you should apologize. Obama is trying to defuse a volatile situation. It would be reckless for him to come out and say something like, “It was an accident, get over it.” That type of thinking is as good as saying “Go ahead and kill a few more Americans.” Sometimes being the bigger person means stepping down even when you’re not technically wrong. His words may not have appeased everyone, but at least no one can say that he fanned the flames. We know that there are people who are willing to go to war over the Quran, ignoring them will not make them go away. Some fights are worth standing your ground for and accepting the casualties, but this one was not.

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