Saturday, February 4, 2012

Addicted to Publishing on Kindle

I wasn’t going to post a story this weekend, but I couldn’t resist. I’m going to publish The Science of Us to Kindle. My cover is too dark to look nice in the black and white version, but I like the blue for the color version, so I’m leaving it because the book isn’t about its cover, it’s about its content. The Science of Us is filled with drama. I shortened the story and limited a lot of the drama, but it still seems drama filled. I’ve been rationalizing it by saying that teens usually have drama. I can’t bring myself to change it too much more. Maybe I should. Oh well.

I have approval for the cover for Bump This. I’d like to thank Troofire for that. I’m hoping to publish it this month, since the story was first posted on Valentine’s Day.

You've seen it before, but I'm sharing it again. Here is the future cover of Bump This:

For now, I’m in the editing, Kindle publishing, zone. I don’t know how long it will last, but I’m going to keep doing it until I get tired of it. Then I’ll stop for a while.

It’s kind of nice to have years worth of writing at my fingertips, because I can just pick which story I want to reread and edit, then publish it. I’m serious about being a writer, so I’m trying to do the grunt work. Maybe one day, LT Ville will mean something in gay fiction.

Status: Feeling myself, figuratively, not literally.

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