Sunday, January 15, 2012


I’ve been trying out the Kindle Free book promotions. It’s nice to see a lot of units moving, but not so nice when I check the reports and see that I have earned $0 for those units and I don’t have any new reviews either. I already give my stories away for free in my group. I’m not about to make a career of doing the same thing on Amazon. I’m going to keep trying it and see if I have more sales than usual. So far my sales are about the same as before I tried the promotions. I checked the reports today and that bothered me. I need to either have more sales or more reviews. At this point, I wouldn’t care if a person posted a negative review because at least then I would have some feedback.

I read about successful Kindle authors and all I can think is that I want to reach their status. Each has their own story of success. Some advertised a lot and some barely did any advertising, yet all are successful. I’m just going to keep working and see how things go this year. I don’t need much, but it would be nice to feel like an established writer and I won’t feel that way until writing is my career.

Status: Trying not to be discouraged.

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