Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bye Bye Television. Oh How I Love Thee.

I’m limiting my television watching and recreational internet usage. I have been far too distracted by reruns of my favorite shows and by interesting sounding articles. My goal for weekdays during January is to only watch television during primetime with the exception of the 15 minutes of news that I watch in the morning. I will try to have most of my internet usage involve self-promotion or research. I’ll still take time to socialize both online and off, but I really want to be focused during the week. January is a time to reinvent yourself and I’m reinventing myself as a hard working struggling author.

I’m also a wannabe poet, so here is another one of my poems:

The Chair

He wants to throw out the chair,
He says it takes up too much space.
I say it can’t be replaced.

It’s old and worn but it’s ours
It was the first thing we bought together
And it was a prize back then.
It was the best looking chair in the room.

He loved it when it was new
He sat in it for hours at a time
And left behind crumbs and stains.
Now he can’t stand to look at it.

To me the chair is a part of us
I see the stains as signs of use
But he sees them as mistakes.
He wants to make them go away.

He wants to throw out the chair,
Because he thinks it’s time to let go of the past.
I want to keep it,
Because I don’t want to forget too fast.

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