Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Eyes Are Closing As I Type This

I’m tired again. I think I had too much on my to-do list the last two days. I completed all of my tasks, but now I’m paying the price. My body feels like it wants to give out on me, so I guess I’ll spend tonight resting and trying to give my mind a break.

I went on an interview today for a freelance reporter job for an actual newspaper. It went better than I expected. I have my first assignment, but I need to discuss payment options before I know how well this is going to work. It’s weird, good things in terms of employment keep happening to me this half of the year. It’s exciting! I’ve never had a problem finding jobs, but now I’m actually finding jobs I want as opposed to just having a job.

Status: Two yawns away from passing out.

1 comment:

bow said...

congrats on the job!

i always wondered what you did outside your story writing; now i know :)