Friday, September 5, 2008

All Good Things Must Begin To Come To An End. Goodbye Kieron! John Paul and Craig Will Soon Be Gone Too...

I’m feeling tired for some reason. I think watching Niall poison Kieron and then seeing John Paul find the body was too depressing for me. I can’t imagine how John Paul must feel. Why did Niall and his super evil self have to make it look like a suicide? Myra should know better though, because Kieron called her. Why would he kill himself before he told her what he found out or without leaving a note?

I’d just like to put a warning for everyone out there: If you find out someone’s big secret, I don’t recommend letting them fix you a meal or open your drink for you because some people are willing to kill for their secrets. After discovering Niall’s secret, it should have been clear to Kieron that he didn’t know Niall at all, and therefore he couldn’t trust him, but that may just be my twisted, “I’ve seen that movie too many times” mentality. I just think they could have done better with that part. I understand what they were trying to show, Kieron considered Niall to be a friend and on top of that, Kieron was a trusting person, but I wish he could have gone another way.

As for John Paul, I can’t wait until next week to see how he deals with what he thinks happened and reconciles that with what he was coming to tell Kieron.

Status: Dealing with the closure of a storyline I enjoyed and the realization that all of my Hollyoaks' boys are leaving me.

1 comment:

bow said...

what are you watching?!

haha i found this post to be funny for some reason. probably because you sound a lot like me if I were to talk about a show/movie i like too