Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Have Lights Again!!!

My lights were off for most of yesterday. I missed my television shows, but I also missed campaign ads, so I guess there were pros and cons to no tv. I wish I had a DVR. I don’t know why I didn’t get it; although, I’m the type of person to actually watch the commercials when I could fast forward through them. I like commercials for the most part. I just don’t like campaign ads, from either side.

I think I've been posting way too many poems, but here is another one:

This poem is in honor of Maury Povich’s favorite type of television show.

A Maury Moment

He prefers the dark
Then he can sit in a room alone with himself
Without fear of catching sight of his reflection
Because facing the mirror is almost as hard as facing them.
Everyone knows he’s guilty.

It was never his intention to hurt so many people
He loved them all
But his nature was to float through life
Wandering from place to place.
That’s why he did it.

He lasted years longer than anyone expected
Because he had discovered some where worth staying
He was happy there
He just wasn’t cut out to remain forever.
That’s why he did it.

It started out with long stares at greener grass
Then turned in to occasional visits
And finally became a situation he didn’t want to handle
The baby is his
Everyone knows he cheated.

Status: Happy for a day with lights. I missed them.


bow said...

this one reminds me os the scarlet letter for some reason, even if i hate that book with a passion

bow said...

but don't get the wrong idea; i love the poem, of course :)

Lustyville said...

You know now that you mention it, the poem does have a scarlet letter feel to it. That wasn't my intention, but when I read your comment I immediately agreed. The irony is that I probably never would have made the connection if you hadn't said anything.