Saturday, May 24, 2008

Re-tiling is a Word. Isn't it?

I re-tiled a bathroom all by myself today (which is technically yesterday at this time, but it will remain today to me until I go to bed and wake up to a new day). So back to tiling the floor: Go me! I’m not saying I enjoyed it, but I am saying trying to cut the perfect piece for the trimming parts was rather relaxing. I tend to think about things too much so it was nice to literally clear my mind for a while. I found myself focused on laying the next piece down and lining it up properly, then I started the trimming and I was halfway done trimming when I realized that I had only been thinking about the tile for almost an hour. I think my mind needed the mental reprieve and I’m sure it was great for my emotional well being, too. I was supposed to have help with the job and usually I would be upset that I ended up doing it alone, yet that didn’t happen today. I appreciated the “me” time. I didn’t even get tired of it. I just did it, like a robot: Peel the paper off, line the tile up, place tile down. I had a system and everything.

I know the story of me putting tile down is not exactly riveting, but it was most of my afternoon because I had to move everything out of the room, then pull up the carpet, then put down that black paper you put down before you start putting the tile down, put down the whole pieces of tile and then finally, cut the pieces I needed to do the trimming.

On a random note, I watched Atonement this evening. I’ve wanted to see that movie ever since it came out. It was another slow movie, but I liked the story because it touched my heart and broke it all at once. It’s so sad to know that there are some things you just can’t undo no matter how much you wish you could.

Status: Still thinking about the movie.

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