Friday, May 2, 2008

Me Time

The weather was horrible today. It was cloudy and depressing and as if that wasn’t bad enough, there was thunder and lightning and heavy rain at random times. I’m not a fan of rain or storms of any kind for that matter. I spent most of the day writing and enjoying some personal time. I rarely get personal time. It seems other people are always making plans with my time, and when they don’t, I do. I should give myself personal time more often because it was great to relax.

I got a lot of writing done and that made me start thinking about the updates I still haven’t posted. I am definitely posting the Science for Us update this weekend because I promised it would be out in about a week and a week was yesterday so I need to put it up soon so it kind of makes the deadline.

I really don’t have much to say. I think everyone deserves a day off to just relax and fill their time with activities they enjoy. Today was positively amazing so far, but I don’t know how tonight will be because I plan on watching the Cavs game and that can go either way. I try not to be too emotional about the games, but I’ll admit that the last one really got to me. They had the game won and gave it back.

Status: In good spirits.

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