Sunday, June 28, 2009

When The Cat's Away....

I have had an interesting two weeks. I spent one great week in Florida then returned early Tuesday morning and discovered that my house had been robbed (yes I know technically it was burglarized and not robbed)! Worse than that, thieves used one of our vehicles as the get-away mobile. As if that wasn’t enough to deal with for one day, later in the morning, I found out that my uncle had died and my aunt was in the hospital. I told myself bad things usually happen in threes, so the bad things should be over for a while. I don’t actually believe that is true, but I need as much optimism as I can muster. Fortunately, I had a ton of things to do this week that were not related to the robbery. My tasks distracted me during the day and kept me from dwelling on the bad things that happened to me. I am very happy that this week is ending because it was one of the worst weeks I have had during my 26 years of life.

On a brighter note, I hope to get a story update out soon.

Status: Done wishing ill to the bastards who robbed me and moving forward with my life.

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