Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Great Episode Reshuffle

I wasn’t going to blog about this because it seems trivial, but I’ve been on a television kick the past few weeks, so television is one of the main things I have to talk about right now. I saw Medium this week and the oldest daughter, Ariel, had just gotten her Learner’s Permit and her father was giving her driving lessons. This would be all well and good if the same daughter hadn’t been driving in an episode of Medium that aired a couple of weeks before. I remember the daughter driving because when I saw her, I turned to the person I was watching the show with and asked them when the girl got her license. They were just as surprised as I was. It really bothers me when shows aren’t consistent. I’m one of those people who notice things like that. I mean it didn’t ruin the show for me, it just annoyed me. Please take the time to put the episodes in the right order. Dont throw out a new episode with no consideration of the episodes that came before it.

Status: Thinking that there is nothing wrong with a little continuity.

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