Saturday, October 6, 2012

Reality TV = Edited Drama

American society rewards bad behavior. What kind of nation glorifies public drunkenness, cheating and fighting? What kind of nation pays big bucks to see those things? I haven’t seen Jersey Shore, but I hear that it’s all about partying. It’s shameful. Fortunately for them, most of them are in their twenties, so I can kind of give them a pass. Then there are shows where the biggest attraction is manufactured drama among a group of grown ass women.  Yes Real Housewives and Basketball Wives, I’m talking to you. Grown women shouldn’t be throwing fists or wine bottles or flipping tables or running across tables trying to attack someone.  Grown women shouldn’t get paid to behave like teenage girls. 

I watched Hollywood Exes and I was pleasantly surprised that with the exception of one ugly exchange, the women behaved like adults. They had arguments, but they resolved them the way adults should. They talked things out and either agreed to disagree or agreed not to bring it up again. 

I’m ashamed to admit that I watch quite a few “reality shows.” The only “Housewives” I watch is Atlanta, but I watch a lot of the other “wives” shows. By giving them ratings, I contribute to the madness. I give my stamp of approval to shows that purport to feature wives but mostly feature girlfriends and single women. I give my stamp of approval to shows that essentially reward women for bagging a basketball player. Sometimes I wonder what that says about me as a person. I try to rationalize it and acknowledge that there is comfort in watching people behaving badly on camera, something about it being on television makes it seem less real and more acceptable. I view most of the reality shows I watch as being just like regular television shows, fake drama and all.

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