In my brief voting history, I have voted for democrats,
republicans and independents. I don’t vote for a particular party, I vote for
the candidate. In this election I will be voting for a mix of democrats and
republicans. Yes the top of my ballot will be filled in for Obama but that won’t
be the story of my ballot. I’m not voting for Obama because I think he is the
cure for what ails this country, but rather because I believe that he is the
lesser of two evils. I don’t want a president who believes in equal rights for
some people but not all. People bash Obama for evolving his opinion, but now
that he has, I can’t ignore it and I don’t want to take a step backwards. To
treat certain people like second class citizens is un-American. However, I’m
not going to bash Romney. I respect his right to his opinions even if he doesn’t
respect mine. I have friends who are voting for Mitt Romney. There I said it.
We disagree on politics but that doesn’t worry us because our friendships are
not based on politics, but rather on who we are as people. Congress should
probably sit in on a few of our conversations and take notes.
Obama didn’t fix the country in his first term. I don’t
understand why anyone is surprised. If you listen to Romney’s timeline, he’s
already said in advance that he needs 10-13 years to fix the country. How can
you knock Obama for not accomplishing in four years what Romney says will take
10-13 years?
I didn’t expect Obama to perform a miracle and once it
became clear that partisan politics was the name of the game, I gave up on expecting
much from anyone in Washington. When a democrat proposes a republican idea and
has it categorically shot down by the very party that gave birth to the idea,
the country as a whole suffers. For those who truly believe that Obama has been
a horrible president, I contend that he had help. The government has been a
horrible government. Congress seems to have forgotten that the constitution
says “We the People” not “We the Party.” The democrats and the republicans have
both behaved deplorably and if it was left up to me, I would fire most of them
and start over.
I began becoming disillusioned with our government when Gore
won the popular vote but lost the election. The people spoke but their voices
were ignored. I think that was also when this country really took a turn for
the worse. Some people said the vilest things about President Bush. I didn’t
like him, but I still felt that people should have respected him. As the Internet
became more and more popular, I knew the next president would be welcomed by
even nastier comments and I was right. Some of the things that have been
written about Obama are not fit to print. The winner of this election will be
accosted by vicious lies and nasty comments and they will have to suck it up
because a lot of people in this country can’t seem to have a disagreement
without name calling.
The truth is that neither candidate is a “winner,” but we
have to choose one of them. Yes I’m choosing Obama, but I’m not going to whine,
pout, finger point or name call if I lose.
I totally agree.
I'm an Independent, so I try to pick the best of the choices offered. I'm voting Obama, but if there had been a better candidate I would have voted for him or her.
Romney lost all chance of my vote the minute he said he would revoke gay marriage and reintroduce DADT. He's allowed to have his personal feelings and beliefs, but not when it takes away from others. Knthx.
My sentiments exactly. I can't support a candidate who tells me in advance that he is going to push back gay rights.
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