Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Difference Between Anderson Cooper and Frank Ocean

This week, I read two very different stories about coming out. There was Anderson Cooper’s email and Frank Ocean’s letter. I will admit that I thought it was common knowledge that Anderson was gay so I was shocked by the reaction that his email received. 

Anderson is a journalist through and through so I wasn’t surprised by the tone of his email. His email read like an article and was very matter of fact even down to the most significant sentence: “The fact is, I'm gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud.” I understood Anderson’s dilemma about coming out. His sexual orientation is his personal business. It shouldn’t be important, but it is. As Anderson put it, “In a perfect world, I don’t think it’s anyone else’s business, but I do think there is value in standing up and being counted.” Now the rumors are over and there is no need for speculation. Anderson Cooper has stood up to be counted as a gay man. 

As for Frank Ocean. If you haven’t read his letter, then you need to read it (click here for the letter). It is one of the most beautiful letters that I have ever read. He’s a song writer, so his letter reads like poetry. It tells a story and paints a picture and takes you there with him. I was touched by his words. At one point in the letter, Frank writes, “I’d hear his conversation and his silence.” I wished I was at a poetry reading so I could give him snaps for that line. I felt it. I was with him from there. Whether Frank is gay or bisexual wasn’t really clear to me at the end of the letter. I got the message that he fell in love with a guy and realized that he had not been in love before that, but either way, his letter was sweet and seemed heartfelt. I’m not a big fan of his, but my sister used to play out one of his songs. I posted that song below:

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