Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Morning for Subtlety

After a week of focusing on other people, I finally had an opportunity to spend a little time on me this morning. The first thing I did was end my procrastination and make some of my books available on Nook. Starving for Love, And Eat it Too, and Bump This will soon be available on Nook. Yay!

In other news, this morning has been a lesson in subtle differences.

The second thing I did was inform Goodreads that not all of my books have been properly linked to my author page. The problem: books listed under L.T. Ville are automatically linked to my author page, but books listed under LT Ville are not. Yes, you’re seeing it correctly. Without the periods, the only way to link the books to my author page is to get the Goodreads librarians to do it for me. Is it me or is that weird? Shouldn’t L.T. Ville and LT Ville be the same person unless otherwise noted?

The third thing I did was what any self-respecting author does from time to time: I googled myself. Well actually, I googled something that often pops up in the auto complete section when I google myself. Anyway, I was surprised to find, that at least a few minutes ago, if you go to Amazon and search the books for “self-mutilation” Starving for Love is number 1. If you go to Amazon and search the books for “self mutilation” Starving for Love isn’t even on the first page, instead it’s three pages in and ranked at number 31. I’m not complaining, because who knows how long I’ll be in the top 100 for either, but I am wondering how a hyphen could make such a major difference in placement.

Status: Wondering if I’ll notice any other subtle differences today.

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