Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Search for Will & Grace

I spent about two hours this morning hunting down the Will & Grace Finale. I missed it when it originally aired. Back then, one of my friends gave me such a good summary that I felt as if I had seen it so I didn’t bother trying to find it. I woke up this morning with Will & Grace on my mind. Yes, random shows and movies pop in to my head a lot. I wasn’t a huge Will & Grace fan. I watched a few episodes each season, but that was it. The wish to watch the finale kind of surprised me this morning. Anyway, back to my search. I turned to my number one source for videos: YouTube, only to be disappointed. Apparently NBC or whoever holds the copyright has shut down every version of the finale except the Spanish version. I barely speak Spanish and the first part didn’t offer closed captions. I watched and translated as best I could then I made up my own lines. The third part of the finale offered beta closed captioning based on the audio. I tried it. I saw several mistakes in the translation and that wasn’t counting the words that weren’t translated at all. I guess the beta version still needs work.

I thought watching it in Spanish would be enough, but I finished it and I was upset because I wanted to know exactly what had been said. I decided to search for the finale. After sifting through several “free” sites that requested a credit card number that I wasn’t willing to give, I finally found one that allowed me to watch the entire final episode. I don’t mind watching advertisements, but I’m not about to pay for one episode of something that I could have recorded for free. I’m only willing to pay if I’m buying the entire season. 

I’m glad I watched it. I like the idea that there are certain people who are meant to stay in your life. You might fall out of touch, but no matter how many years pass, you’ll find your way back to each other. I’ve had similar experiences. Of course it was randomly reconnecting after 3 or 4 years, and before the explosion of Facebook, but I get it. Facebook makes it hard to ever truly be out of anyone’s life. You’d have to de-friend them and go through a lot of effort to avoid hearing or reading something about them.

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