Monday, October 5, 2009

DA 1.0 versus that Other Guy

The Browns finally almost won a game! Yay! They lost in overtime, so my only complaint is that they didn’t win. The game itself was far better than the previous three games. Derek Anderson looked better and closer to Derek Anderson 1.0 (the one who was actually decent) and less like Derek Anderson 2.0 (the one who led us all last season and the one who bombed in the second half of game three). Welcome back DA 1.0, please stick around for a few games.

In honor of the Browns not completely sucking, I am unleashing the finger:

The Finger

There are no winners or losers
Just people and places
Bets and doubts
Fans and

Status: In a good mood. Imagine how psyched I’ll be if we actually win a game.

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