Saturday, October 10, 2009

No Homo. Again.

Have you ever pointed something out and then days later someone else says it and you have no way of proving that you noticed it first? It seems more people have finally taken notice of the term “no homo.” It certainly took long enough! The beauty of having a blog is that that I can say I brought up the term months ago and I have the blog to prove it. I blogged about it way back in January.

I do not like the term. I find it both offensive and ignorant. No homo? Really? If you have to specify to your friends “no homo” then newsflash: they’re not really your friend! I wish I would tell my friend, “I love you. No homo.” WTF? Are you serious? Anyway, I’m back on this topic because I saw this video about it:


I saw the video and thought: it’s about time other people noticed this trend. Anyway, I just wanted to share it.

Status: Smiling to myself.

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