Saturday, September 5, 2009

Between Two Lovers

I’m doing well today. I used the earlier part of my day wisely and bought myself some extra time to relax this weekend. I have plans for tonight and tentative plans for tomorrow night so I know I’m going to need some down time to mentally prepare myself.

I saw Final Destination 3-D last week. It was good/bad. The special effects were good, but other than that, it was bad. If you like a movie where people die in gory grotesque ways and there is very little plot, then it’s the movie for you, but if you like horror films that are gory but still require you to think a little then this is not the movie for you. I was disappointed but not surprised. Overall I’d say B+ for special effects and D- for plot (I won’t give it an F for plot because the movie did acknowledge Death’s order). The movie was pointless and left me feeling very happy that I didn’t pay to see it. Free passes for movie previews rock!

I haven’t posted a poem in a while, so I decided to post a poem today:

Between Two Lovers

It’s the in-between that suits him,
Fits him like it’s been tailored
Custom made for him and him alone
That’s what makes it different
He’s laughed and joked and played along
Walking the tightrope between both sides
Somewhere in the middle is where he’ll stay
He’ll tell them to sort things out
But he won’t stand by either
He’ll wait there until someone cuts the rope,
Freeing him to swing away.

Status: Preparing to have a good time.

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