Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Where's the Hype?

I am both excited and scared that the Cavs are the number one team in the NBA. They’ve been one of the most disrespected teams in the NBA this season, and until recently I thought that would carry through to the playoffs, but the commentators seem to be coming around. Now I just have to hope that the Cavs don’t choke. That would be an embarrassment that I could not handle at this point because that would validate all the naysayers. I’m not saying I think the Cavs are the best team in the NBA because I think that title belongs to another team, but I do think the Cavs are far better than most analysts give them credit for being.

Now off of sports. I have another poem to share:

The Pain of Falling

Sometimes I chase down the pain with ragged memories
The kind that have you there for me, then not
Like the time I tripped over your foot
And you almost caught me
But the ground was there instead
Funny how things are
You, the constant source of my pain
And me, the idiot constantly tripping over your foot
You would think I’d learn by now
But I keep waiting
And hoping tomorrow,
Unlike today,
Will be the day you catch me.

Status: Crossing my fingers. Go Cavs!

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