Friday, August 8, 2014

My Zankie Rant

I've been a fool. I don't even watch Big Brother anymore because I don't like the values that it promotes, but I have been obsessing over the online updates; shamelessly reading every detail about Frankie and Zach (aka Zankie), thinking, maybe, just maybe, something beautiful could come out of the shitfest that is Big Brother. However, Zankie are currently both being idiots and I've decided that I am done...again. I'm too emotional to continue to participate in this "game." Whether they are truly both dumb enough to fall for the same strategy, employed by the same two guys (Derrick and Cody) or whether they are just superb actors showing the houseguests what they want to see, doesn't matter to me anymore. I feel like they fucked with my heart, because whatever they had, whether it was friendship or something more, was beautiful and now I don't know what it is. If they're playing a part for the house and "it's their plan" then they are both sick people and if they truly believe Derrick and Cody after all the things that they have said to them then they are both too naive for the show. Either way, this is where I jump off the ride and walk away. 

Last night should have been happy, but they ruined everything and I thank them for that. I am now free to continue with my life. No more checking Zankie updates when I first wake up or staying up until the wee hours of the morning just to read about them. 

I have issues. I have never denied that, but as Ariana would say today "I got one less problem without ya." 

I had to get that out. Whew! I feel a lot let me go check the zankie feed. Lol.

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