Friday, August 22, 2014

Dear Big Brother Stans: Find Your Chill

Big Brother is a game. The purpose of the game is to plot, manipulate and lie your way to $500K. If you can't handle the show, the solution is simple: Don't watch. I used to religiously watch the show, then Evel Dick poured water or tea or whatever it was on that woman's head and I was done. I couldn't support a show that considered that entertainment. I have kept track of some of the seasons online and occasionally watched an episode or two, but it hasn't been the same since then. 

For the first time in a long time, I kept track of the live feeds this season. I confess that it was all because of Zankie and I probably won't follow the feeds as much or as obsessively anymore, but that's beside the point. The point is that I don't particularly like Frankie. I feel like the only person in the house who he was genuine with was Zach and now Zach is gone. However, I get that it is a game. He's not in the house acting like a racist or some other kind of bigot: he is simply playing the game. He lies, he makes outlandish statements, he talks major shit about people behind their backs, and guess what? He's not the only person in the house that does that. His actions reflect the nature of the game, so if you can't stomach it, stop watching. This season is actually fairly tame compared to what I heard about last season. I heard such awful things about last season that I watched a few clips. The way Amanda bullied Elissa was disgusting. We've seen people ignored this season and we've seen Zach yell at people and try to put on a show, but we haven't seen the level of bullying that took place last season or in some of the previous seasons. 

Frankie put Zach up because Frankie and the other alliance members were tired of Zach running his mouth. Zach admitted as much in his interview with Julie. If Zach understands why he was voted out and if he gets that it's a game, why don't some of his stans get that?

I was shocked yesterday when I saw tweets that someone had hacked Frankie's twitter and deleted his Instagram. Seriously? Social media is how the man makes his money and you're going to fuck with that because he betrayed his best friend on a television show? Really! The only word that I can think of to describe it is juvenile. It's as bad as the fans who screamed disparaging comments about Frankie and put the entire house in lockdown. Grow up! IT IS A GAME! The entire point of the game is to BACKSTAB and LIE. If you want to vent online then go right ahead. Call Frankie every dirty, disgusting name that your little fingers can type. Spew whatever vile comments your heart desires, but leave it at that. Deleting his Instagram and hacking his Twitter is crossing the line. You are going beyond being a fan and all the fans who support such actions need to have a seat. Or as other fans would say: find your chill. 

On a side note: I loved Zach and Frankie's friendship, but I'm not sad that Zach is gone because I think that their friendship might have ended up being damaged beyond repair if Zach had stayed. Like Donny said, Frankie and Zach had a weird love/hate relationship. I'm happy that there was still love there when Zach left.

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