Saturday, November 10, 2012

Keep Race out of it

I was originally going to blog about some Republicans referring to Hurricane Sandy as an Act of God in one breath then saying it tilted the election to Obama in the next breath. They should have referred to Hurricane Sandy as a natural disaster. Calling it an Act of God then blaming it for shifting the election back to Obama kind of implies that God didn’t want Romney to win and I know that is not what they were trying to say. I was going to do a whole diatribe about it, but something else caught my attention this morning. A young woman from California made a racist comment on Facebook about President Obama and now the internet is in a tizzy.

I’m here to tell Americans to wake up. Racism is alive and well. There are racist people of all races, it isn’t just a white/black issue. I don’t understand why people are so surprised by this young woman’s comments. She used the n-word in reference to President Obama and wrote that maybe he would be assassinated. When she was interviewed later she was unapologetic, but she did want the world to know that she wasn’t racist. I don’t think she understands that she can have friends of other races and still be racist. She could have used lots of other words to describe Obama, but she picked arguably the most offensive word in the English Language. That was not an accident. 

This young woman is not alone. Facebook and Twitter are full of racist anti-Obama messages. The sad truth is that to some people that’s all they see when they look at Obama. They don’t see a man who rose from humble beginnings or a black man who contradicts every major stereotype about black men: he is well educated, married to a black woman and (as far as we know) he only has two children and both were born in wedlock.

You can disagree with Obama’s policies all day, but you cross the line when you make it about his race or wish harm on him. I greatly disliked Bush’s policies, but I never wanted any harm to come his way. I never wished that someone would assassinate him. Hell, I was upset with the Secret Service when they let a man throw a shoe at him. If Romney had won the election, I wouldn’t have wished harm on him. He wasn’t my candidate, but I would have respected him as my president because the president of the United States is elected by the people. Sometimes your candidate wins and sometimes your candidate loses. As an American, you have to learn to live with it.

1 comment:

Keta Diablo said...

Great post! Yes, race (and racism) should be left out of politics, but it must start with the leader of our country.

I am an Independent voter (adored Hillary and liked Romney). I do not and cannot support a President, black or white who is set on a systematic course to divide America by rich verses poor, black versus white, and even man against woman. A President is supposed to serve for the entire country, represent the entire constituency. If you doubt this President's ability to do just that, I refer you back to the race-baiting, gender dividing, class warfare of HIS campaign. Leaders lead by EXAMPLE not by vitriolic words.

I'm sure many Republicans are exhibiting "sour grapes" and some are downright enraged over the launch of untrue attacks against their representative Romney. Winning is winning in the end, but if our President must win an election at all costs, even by dividing a Nation, NO ONE wins, least of all HIM. As a result of his endorsed tactics, our Congress remains divided, thousands are losing their jobs over the re-election (layoffs) because only 50% of the country has faith in Obama's ability to LEAD. The Dow crashed by 500 points and the Benghazigate coverup looms over us. But ... many received their Obama phones again, and Ms. Fluke soon to make $160K a year will get her FREE birth control. These things have, in retrospect,divided our country and sent us plummeting back to the Civil War controversy (racial fight). How very sad for America.

Please do your research before lashing out at not-very-intelligent comments made by ONE person on the Internet.

Democrats and lame-stream journalists pulled the race card every time the Republications attempted to endorse their man. The RACISM started at the top -- with Obama, and it's hardly fair for all concerned to cry "foul" now.

Am I angry over the election results? Hardly.I find it poetically amusing. America will now reap what they have sewn. And I think many will question where their head was in that voting booth as the next 4 years play out.

We must remember that the Republican's man received almost 50% of the vote -- that means something -- that means our country is very divided on this Presidency. We all must RESPECT their voices too. After all, they too love their country and hopefully wanted what they thought was best for America.

God Bless America -- she's going to need every blessing she can call forth.