Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

2011 is off on the right foot! For the first time, in I don’t know how many years, I actually think I might be able to focus enough to accomplish some of my big goals. I managed to meet my short list of goals for the first day of the new year and I’m proud of myself.

I may have been overly ambitious with my goals for the Cleveland Cavaliers. I thought they could get the 8th seed, and they started out fine, but their recent games show me that they’ll be lucky just to get out of the cellar. The worst part is that they are actually not as bad as their record says they are. Oh well, another disappointing season. Even when we were winning, we still fell short in the playoffs, maybe this year they’re trying to spare the fans from having any semblance of hope for the season. If so, then they are doing a great job. I know I threw my hopes out the window, yet, like any respectable Cleveland sports fan, I continue to watch their games.

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