Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Invasion

Every spring, the ants begin invading my house again and I don’t just mean tiny ants either. I mean tiny ants, medium sized ants, large ants and flying ants. It’s a full-fledged assault. You would think the ants would have learned their lesson by now. The truth is that I will win the war because I always do. They will annoy me for a week or so and I will kill and kill again. I will spray and fog them to either death or retreat. They will lose many members of their colony and for what? Because they wanted to come out of hiding?

I’m writing about it because I feel bad about killing so many of them. I wish there was a way for us to coexist without them giving me the willies. I know they are like microscopic compared to me, but the idea of one of them crawling on me just freaks me out and that is why I kill them. They have to learn that invading my space threatens me and forces me to react.

I have my moments though when I let ants live. When I’m in a particularly peaceful mood, I’ll give the ant a choice. I’ll put my foot down on the floor. If the ant walks in the other direction then I’ll usually let it live, but if the ant walks towards my foot then I will crush it. I rarely offer this choice though. I figure if the ant is brave enough to enter my territory in broad daylight then that’s a pretty brave ant and who knows where else it might venture to if I don’t kill it.

Status: At war with ants.

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