Sunday, March 29, 2009

Degrees of Wrong

Sometimes I feel disconnected from the world. Not in the depressed "woe is me" kind of way, but in the, "am I the only person who thinks about that" kind of way. I have an ability to put myself in other people’s shoes and that makes me a little more sensitive to certain issues. I’m empathetic but I’m not a bleeding heart. I’m the type of person who distinguishes between the facts of a case before I lump it with other cases. I see the difference between the man who steals simply because he can, and the man who steals to survive. Both are wrong, but in my eyes, one is far worse than the other. I know people who would lump both men together because a thief is a thief, and I don’t think that is right.

I genuinely see people as individuals. I might make the occasional off color joke but I’d never think that I knew a person just by looking at them. People are far more complicated than that. You can make assumptions based on appearances, but you can’t decide who a person is until you get to know them and sometimes you may find that your assumption was completely off.

I don’t know what made me go on this tangent today. Sorry. Anyway, here’s another poem.

The Rodeo

I can’t explain the things I feel,
For you
I can ride bulls and rope goats
But I can’t
I can’t lasso the thoughts in my head
The ones I have
Of you

I can say those words that hurt
But I can’t,
I can’t
Say those that close the gap
Between you and I,
I can’t
Do that
For you

I wish my gate would open,
For you
I would ignore the clock and people
And see
Just you
Waiting to be tamed
By me.

Status: Feeling like polluting the web with my writing, but waiting until I’ve thought about it a little more.

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